Log in to MyAviva

Log in form

Log in to MyAviva

MyAviva is available to customers in Ontario, Alberta and Quebec with home and/or auto insurance coverage with S&Y Insurance Company.

Your email address should be between 8 and 60 characters long, is not case-sensitive and should not include any spaces.

Your password has between 7 and 30 characters and will be a mix of letters and numbers. It won't have spaces in it. It may contain special characters but not =()*!#<>&|{}\/ or space.

Not registered? To register, you'll need your policy details on hand.

* Indicates a required field

Welcome to MyAviva

  • With MyAviva, you can access all of your policies, update your contact information any day of the week and learn about new product offerings from Aviva.
  • We are also available by phone at 1-855-788-9090 Monday through Friday from 8am and 8pm EST.